During cold snaps, people sometimes find that their vehicle's doors are frozen shut. Being frozen out of your car -- especially when you already have the keys in your hand -- is a frustrating experience. Luckily, we have some methods you can use to thaw those locks to get inside... [read more]
We understand. You don't want the cost that comes with a new set of tires for your car. But worse is the danger of riding on a bad set. Changing a flat on the side of the road is not the way you want to find out you need new... [read more]
When the seasons transition from fall to winter, you would prepare your home for the weather changes. The same consideration should be done for your vehicle. Not sure how to prepare or care for your car this winter, here are some tips to caring for your automobile this season.
Fill Your... [read more]
There are a ton of questions involved with hunting for a new vehicle. Is a van or an SUV a better vehicle for a large family? Should you get a gas or diesel engine in your truck? Lease or finance? And on and on. Perhaps one of the biggest questions... [read more]
Have you started hearing a clicking or knocking sound under the hood of your vehicle? Chances are you need an oil change. You should swing by the Pure Country Pre-Owned service center and allow our skilled technicians to check your fluid levels. You can also take a stab at doing... [read more]
You probably spend time every day in your car. Because of this, you want it to be comfortable and pleasant to ride in. A dirty car can be embarrassing and frustrating. Furthermore, a dirty vehicle is likely to be smelly. Other people may not want to ride with you. Plus,... [read more]